Dogs and Kids Articles

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Parents may view certain interactions between their children and their dogs as cute and assume that because their dog is tolerating the behavior now, they always will. Then, suddenly the unexpected happens and a bite has occurred. Many parents will think "It came out of nowhere." or "How could my dog do that? He's always been so loveable" When, in fact there have probably been small warning signals the entire time that we humans don't notice. Interactions such as the child sitting on the dog, grabbing the dog's ears and tail, poking and sticking their face in the dog's can make the dog feel uncomfortable and can cause defensive reactions.


  • Dogs and Kids

Dog Behavior: People and Kids


A new baby in the house can be very stressful for new parents, especially if there are other children to care for. You might feel that you no longer have time for your pet, or the pet might be a danger for your child. Don't believe any of the old wives' tales about animals being vindictive and jealous towards children, most pets accept new children when it's handled correctly, and if you are prepared to work with your pet. Most problems result from pack order problems - the dog does not want to relinquish his status in your "pack". You should start well before your new arrival.


  • Dogs and Kids
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