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You’ve tried everything but realize you and your dog need professional help. How do you find someone you can trust to teach your puppy? Try following these tips.
Rear limb lameness in the dog and cat is common, as both species are generally active and athletic. While hip dysplasia and hip arthritis definitely get a lot of coverage in the press and by breeders, the knee is often the culprit when an owner sees an acute (sudden) and severe lameness. Sometimes the pain is from an injury to the structures that form the knee, or pain may result from conformational problems in the pet’s anatomy.
"Doggy Breath" and Dental Maintenance Jann Elliott, DVM Palisades Veterinary Clinic "Doggy breath" may be something your family jokes about, but the reason for your pet's foul odor may actually be quite serious. That yellowish accumulation on the teeth is tartar, a calcified matrix of bacteria and saliva. Gross! Imagine the condition of your teeth and gums if you never brushed your teeth; that is the reality for most dogs and cats!
One of the most interesting aspects of veterinary medicine is its ability to constantly change and innovate with new disciplines being developed every year.  One of the newest additions to veterinary medicine, has been the field of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation.  For decades, most patients with  orthopedic or neurologic disease were placed on a wide variety of medications or underwent surgery, but many were not given additional therapy for their ailments.  Post operative surgical patients were often managed through strict confinement.  Chronic arthritis patients were placed on pain me
When it’s time to bring your newest family member home, setting up your environment to welcome your new dog can be overwhelming.  Where should he sleep?  Should I allow her on the furniture?  What do I do when he steals a sock?  Don’t fret!  This article will provide you with ample ideas on how to start off your relationship on the right foot. Prevention - It Really Is The Best Medicine
The summer is fast approaching, and with increases in temperature comes a whole set of concerns for our pets.  One of the most common life-threatening problems we see in the summer is heat stroke.  Typically, when we think of heat stroke, we think of a dog left in a hot car with the windows rolled up.  However, it can occur in many other conditions, such as when a pet is left outside without access to shade or water or when a dog is exercised in warm, humid weather. Obesity and old age can predispose a dog to heat stroke, and the most common dogs we see affected are the brachycephalic breed
When I went outside this morning, Kenzo and Riley were by the back fence, very intent on something on the ground. I had let them outside to use the bathroom a few minutes earlier and was coming outside to play ball before our walk. Usually they are waiting by the back door to play, or come running up as soon as I step outside; today, they remained intent on the ground.
Here in the Washington, D.C. area, skin disease is one of the most common complaints at the veterinarian during the spring, summer and fall months.  It is important to understand that the cause for skin disease and itchiness is different for every dog.  It can also be one of the most frustrating situations for the owners, our pets, and for your veterinarian.  If you have an itchy dog, your appointment might go something like this: Why does my dog keep getting skin and ear infections? I think we need to use a different antibiotic...
Does your dog chew, bark, jump, fence fight, or dig? A common denominator in these behavioral problems can be boredom, or a lack of physical or mental stimulation. The most common age for dogs to be turned into shelters is 9 months to 2 years old; often when the “puppy card” has worn out, and the cute puff of fluff becomes a gangly, adolescent, body-slamming, destruction machine. Often these dogs have no manners and no outlet for their energy. Breed influence can be an important factor as well; field bred and working dogs were bred to do their jobs for hours on end.
Jonathan Smith, VMD Heartworm is a word that we hear all the time at Lucky Dog. For our own dogs we give a pill or flavored tablet every month as preventative, and some of us have even taken "heartworm positive" dogs into our homes. Monthly preventative can often seem like a challenge to give on a regular basis, and it is common for give a dose late or miss it completely. While many of us are guilty of this at some point, it is important to remember why we give this pill every month, and how easy it is to prevent this life threatening disease.
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