Low Cost Spay & Neuter

Friends of Animals

Pet owners may purchase a certificate from Friends of Animals that can be used for a routine spay or neuter surgery at any of FoA’s participating veterinary hospitals. Spaying and Neutering Certificates may be purchased on-line. Or to order by mail call 1-800-321-PETS (1-800-321-7387) and request an application The recommended age for spay/neutering is 2-6 months of age. Female animals should be spayed before their first heat (estrus cycle). They do not need to have a litter before spaying. 


Through our partnership with PetSmart Charities®, our comprehensive and searchable database is designed to help you find low-cost spay/neuter programs in your community.

We are constantly adding to this database, so if you don’t find any listings for your zip code immediately, please check back soon.

Whether you’ve recently adopted a pet or you’re considering it, one of the most important health decisions you’ll make is to spay or neuter your cat or dog.

Spay USA

Millions of healthy, adoptable cats and dogs are euthanized each year in the U.S. because there simply are not enough homes for them all.

North Shore Animal League America's SpayUSA is a nationwide network and referral service for affordable spay/neuter. Developed in 1993, for nearly 20 years SpayUSA has helped hundreds of thousands of people nationwide obtain low cost, quality spay/neuter services.


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