I was the eldest child born into a family of 2 dogs. My family almost always had dogs, but I grew up primarily with the dog my parents still have, a sheltie named Truman. After graduating from high school, I moved down to DC for college, leaving Massachusetts, and leaving my family, Truman included.
I have been involved with animal rescue most of my life starting as a child. My mom ran the adoption program at a high kill southern shelter. It was very hard seeing so many beautiful creatures euthanized and my mom used to bring home the dogs on death row that were considered "unadoptable." Many were sick or injured and we would just add them to our menagerie or heal them and find homes for them outside the shelter system.
Megan Heath -- Founding Member, Lucky Dog Youth Program
Post Date:
Monday, April 30, 2018
How long have you been volunteering for Lucky Dog?
Our family has been fostering for Lucky Dog for about 5 years. After my first dog died, our family was looking for a new dog. We adopted our dog, Tank, from Lucky Dog and since we started fostering we have saved about 50 dogs.
Why do you volunteer for Lucky Dog's Youth Program?
I volunteer because I'm helping dogs every second 24/7. When one gets adopted I am sad, but I just remember that I helped save a dog's life.
It began like the rest. My daughter texted me a link to a Lucky Dog in boarding that needed a foster family. The link was for a young guy named Russell. He was some crazy mix of boxer and a dozen other things. His head and paws were too big for his body. His ears stuck straight up with one flopped forward and the other flopped back. Russell was the epitome of a pound puppy.
I’ve adopted rescue dogs most of my adult life, always having one or two as part of my family. They were all amazingly resilient and adaptable, despite having been through so much. Harriett the lab mix is no exception. Already having been a mama and barely out of puppyhood herself, 1 year old Harriett arrived from North Carolina a week ago and my first experience as a full-time foster began.
My Journey Into Rescue began after Hurricane Harvey, and soon afterward Tropical Storm Irma. I saw countless posts on the news about pets in need of homes after the disasters. My family and I had never fostered a dog but had always had dogs of our own. We currently have two small male dogs who love to eat, play, and snuggle together and we knew that other dogs would LOVE to join them so we saw no other option than to begin fostering.
I originally had no intention of adopting a cat... but I love kitties and often toyed with the idea of adopting. A friend of mine who is heavily involved in cat adoptions for Lucky Dog proposed a great idea – cat fostering! I'd get to play and cuddle with cute little fluffballs while not having to commit long term. I received my first foster kittens shortly thereafter – a brown tabby with white feet (Boots) and a talkative black and white kitten with an adorable black patch on his nose (Boogie).
It’s all still very much a blur. I arrived a few weeks ago from South Carolina. They put us in a loud machine for a long time and when we got out this big man picked us up and took us home. He calls me Zena – I have no idea what that means so don’t ask. Before I arrived at my new habitation, I had never been inside before. Although I now know the joys of naps and rugs, it was really confusing at first. I really like this soft sofa the humans call a “dog bed.”