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My first journey in rescue began when I was just kid bringing home strays to my parents' dismay. I realized the urgent, dire need for rescue when I began with trap and release program with the feral cat population in New Orleans. Spaying and neutering a dozen cats can prevent hundreds of starving kittens from entering the world. I found homes for many and watched them thrive. Whether I get to benefit personally from the love the animal gives me, or just know that I helped is still a wonderful feeling.
I still get that wonderful feeling of rescue every time I think about my current pets -- Penny and Francis. Penny and Francis came into my life though 2 different avenues of “rescue.” Penny the Puggle is my best friend and companion who was in a long term foster situation because they wanted her to go to just the right mommy. It’s amazing to watch their personalities develop as they become comfortable in their new forever home. The first week she was with us she was quiet and not overly interested in treats. Now, for better or for worse, she’s jumping and howling for table food all day long. I think about how quiet and subdued she was compared to her personality now, and it warms my heart to know she’s living her best life!
Francis, the Maine Coon mix, took a slightly more aggressive approach into our lives. He literally walked into our house one day without invitation and never left! Covered in fleas, underweight, and with rotten teeth, he needed a pretty good tuneup. Again, watching his personality develop was such a joyful experience. He is my outgoing, “dog cat” without fear or apprehension.
It pains me to think of all of these animals’ lives before finding their families, but gives me so much comfort and inspiration to see how resilient and forgiving they are. My connection with animals has always been the unconditional, judgment free love they give 24 hours a day. I love them both so much and cannot imagine my life without them. I hope, that in some small way, I am giving this same opportunity to members of our Lucky Dog family.